

Conleyism : People were created to be loved not fixed!

Take 10!

     After a long and busy week Conley and sat down together Tuesday night for what seemed like the first time all week. We took a deep breath and talked about the accomplishes of the week and the things that were still to be done. After we were done we sat in silence for awhile. After a minute I spoke up. "Conley, let's take 10. You take 5 and I'll take 5." And so we began, "I'm thankful for answered prayers," I said excitedly. And we continued until our praises got to 10.      While this may seem like a simple and maybe even silly practice you wouldn't believe how much it changed our mood. I challenge you this week to Take 10 . 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks; for this is God's perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus." 

Shades of Gray

Have you ever had one of those weeks? You know, the ones where you don't know whether you are coming or going? The ones full of both excitement and down right scare ya to death moments!? Well add a side of sadness to that plus a little holiday stress and that's been my week! WOW-- No wonder I am sitting here at 1:00 am wondering how in the world I will ever get calmed down enough to close my eyes and go to sleep. Food, games, and family x 2.  Christmas morning with 3 1/2 yr old. FUN>>>FUN>>>FUN.... Santa came and elves left.  Bringing back some old school fun, a little Nintendo fun with the 15 yr old.   Escalation of events, moments colliding ... Leaning on and depending on others for help. Get together's, here, there, and everywhere How do you manage, juggle, accept, understand, process it all??? What is, or where is the stopping point?  The place where we stand and drop everything we are currently holding or juggling and ju...

Let go and let God!

     After a challenging week of frustrations from situations that I nor we could control here's the advice Conley had to offer me.  "We are going to pray that God would break the yoke of judgement. Both judgement of self and others and replace it with the fruit of mercy and joy. "For we wrestle not against the flesh and blood, but against spirits and principalities and rulers in high places." Ephesians 6:12 People don't have a character problem, they have a flesh or a spirit problem. When you try to characterize and analyze someone and you decide to be their fix are you wrestling with flesh or spirit? If you want to change something about someone you love, activate the creator of change through prayer!! Wrestling with flesh becomes an exhausting burden to you , while warring in the spirit refuels and renews your faith." Today if you find yourself burdened with the weight of a situation, remember who your fighting against.  Finally, be strong ...

Invite God into your day!

       As I frantically worked to meet a deadline, I accepted the failure last night when I gave in and said I have nothing. This morning as I was fixing my hair in the bathroom I  was combing over all I had to do today and the things I had usually already accomplished that I hadn’t even touched today, i.e. reading the bible. It got me to thinking…..while I do like routine which includes things and people that are dependable, sometimes its ok to be spontaneous, to do things in a new or different order. Because sometimes maybe our ‘routine’ our ‘structure’ puts God in a box. Yes, it’s important to connect with God every day, that’s imperative to any relationship but maybe that connection can come in different forms. So today I challenge you to quit beating yourself up because today’s routine isn’t just like yesterdays. Maybe you hit your snooze too many times, or the kids needed more attention this morning than usual, just pause a second and invite God into yo...

Where's your Focus?

Where's your Focus? Recently Conley and I had the opportunity to meet with people with  a common goal, a common purpose. We gathered as a body of believers to pray over a specific subject.  NO hidden agendas, no selfish ambitions.  We gathered to glorify God and to ask for his deliverance. What a powerful weekend it was!  I left more on fire for GOD then I have ever been in my life. I left there with a renewed vision and focus. I left there hungry for a move of God. Hungry for the Word of God.   I had spent a lot of time recently with all eyes on me and my surroundings. A selfish outlook really. My life, my kids, my family. my husband,  ME-ME-ME!  What I realized at the gathering was that I needed to expand my thoughts, my visions, my prayers outside of the 'me' realm. I realized that I needed to step up into the boldness within me and begin walking in the fullness of who God created me to be. Instead of being absent minded abou...

Who are you Imitating?

Who are you Imitating? Last night, as my 2-year-old daughter lie in bed she began yelling    at the top of her lungs,   “Bubba turn the light off, NOW!!”  I lay beside her stunned… thinking,  “OH my goodness, she is imitating me. Is that what I sound like? Shrill and overbearing? Please Lord, NO!”   But it was too late, I was already convicted.  Go ahead and lock me up and throw away the key!  However, I have to say I was encouraged today. I found her being WAY too quiet and began searching the house for her. To my surprise, I found her snuggled up in my bed with her baby reading her a bible story. Just like mommy does with her.  So I leave you with one question,  "Whose footsteps are you following in,  Christ's or the World's?" Because whether we like it or not, we are imitating someone.  Ephesians 5:1-2 (NLT)  “Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear chil...

#1) The Things of Earth will Grow Strangely Dim

#1) The Things of Earth will Grow Strangely Dim       Raising a teenager is not easy! I've only been into it for about a year now and some days I feel like I am fighting a loosing battle. After getting upset with my son about not knowing how to properly unload the dishwasher (not really for sure if I have actually shown him how, shouldn't he just know?), I added a day to his previous NO TV grounding, to which he rolled his eyes. Oh, how I hate that!   I respond by saying “Do you want to add another day?” His response of course,   “I don't care!!” Oh man, he had me now. I just kept adding on days because I didn't like that response either.       Later after we had both left the scene, cooled off, and regained focus, I apologized for my behavior. “I'm sorry son, I over reacted. I can't except you to do something the right way if I've never shown you what the right way is.” His response, “Mom I wasn't being a jerk or get...

Verse of the Week

Romans 8:26-28 Message

Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.