Let go and let God!
After a challenging week of frustrations from situations that I nor we could control here's the advice Conley had to offer me. "We are going to pray that God would break the yoke of judgement. Both judgement of self and others and replace it with the fruit of mercy and joy. "For we wrestle not against the flesh and blood, but against spirits and principalities and rulers in high places." Ephesians 6:12 People don't have a character problem, they have a flesh or a spirit problem. When you try to characterize and analyze someone and you decide to be their fix are you wrestling with flesh or spirit? If you want to change something about someone you love, activate the creator of change through prayer!! Wrestling with flesh becomes an exhausting burden to you , while warring in the spirit refuels and renews your faith." Today if you find yourself burdened with the weight of a situation, remember who your fighting against. Finally, be strong ...